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Seducing Destiny Page 5

  I felt the electrical sizzle of his presence the moment he found me knee deep in the water’s delicious depths. He remained silent, and I continued to pretend I was still alone. I could sift again, but I had already broken my own self-imposed rules about magic use while pregnant enough for one day. He’d catch me eventually, anyway. I was running to places that had reminded me of us, and not necessarily away from him. There was no running from him; I’d needed space for the moment, and I’d gotten that. Now it was time to embrace him, and his anger for my choice to hide what I was from him.

  I heard the splash of water as he waded through the shallow pool to me. I held the tears in; refusing to cry about what fate had delivered to me. I refused to look up even when I felt his eyes on me.

  “You didn’t run far or fast enough,” he growled.

  I ignored him as I turned and walked further into the water. I let the silence be his answer to his questions since I wasn’t ready to give him one verbally.

  “You didn’t run at all. Did you, Pet? You came to where I first made you mine.”

  I stopped and lifted my head to meet his eyes. This is where we’d come after the Wild Hunt. This was where he’d taken me for endless hours, only to take me back to the mansion as a traitor. I wanted him even then. We’d come in a full circle, because my mind had brought me to him, here.

  “Why did you come, Ryder? If it’s to take me back to keep me locked in a room, you can leave now. I understand the anger, but I refuse to be the kind of girl who allows a man to cage her. I cannot and will not be caged.”

  “You actually think some Goddess could make me want you? Or you, for that matter? Synthia, you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known. No one made us feel this way. Maybe in the beginning but love isn’t lust. I know you love me. I know that I feel this connection to you that I’ve never felt for anyone else. I don’t love, but I care for you, I do. You’re the mother of my children and for the first time in Fae history, the Horde King has released his own concubines willingly for one woman. No Goddess made me feel those things or do what I have done. You made me feel the need to be a better person. You, Synthia, you made me want to be a better man.”

  “You don’t get it,” I whispered. “I was created; every detail of my entire life was planned. Right down to me having your child; how should I feel? Knowing that meeting you was even in her plans. She set me and you on a crash course, and this is where it was supposed to lead us.”

  “And it’s not where you want to be,” he said guardedly.

  “No,” I whispered but thought about it for a moment. “I want to be with you. I want to be in Faery, but I want it to be our choice. I want us to decide our destiny, not Danu or Bilé. I need you, Ryder. It may sound stupid to you, but I need to feel needed and loved. I’m having your children and I don’t even know where I stand in your world. The only thing I know is that I stand where I was created to stand which is by your side and for me, that’s not good enough. I need you to want me there because you actually want it to be so, not because it was meant to be. I need it to be your choice, and not the one you make because you feel what they wanted you to.”

  “You stand with me,” he said as he pulled me against him and kissed the top of my head. “I wasn’t raised to love anything. Not even my people. I can’t promise you love, but I can promise that I will stand beside you forever, and I can promise you that it is by my choice and no one else’s.”

  I closed my eyes and pulled away from his body. “It’s not enough.”

  “That’s too bad, because you’re coming back with me,” he said before he slipped a necklace over my head. It was the same necklace, or one just like the one he’d placed on me as he laid me across his Lamborghini on that day not so long ago when I’d first met him.

  “Ryder…” I warned, remembering what I’d said after the last time I had gotten free of one of his necklaces.

  “You did say that if I ever put another trinket around your neck that it better be because it carries my mark,” he said softly. “This is me publically marking you as mine.”

  “And if I asked you to allow me to go to the Blood Kingdom?” I asked, because I’d thought of what I needed to tell Madisyn; she deserved to know what had happened.

  “I forbid it, for now. You’re pregnant and the Mages are aiming for you, not me. They were let inside my home to get to you. You’re my weakness, and I need you to be safe so I can focus on eliminating the threat against us. I need to know that the children we created together are safe.”

  “Can we stay here for a little while?” I asked and watched as his jaw ticked, as if he thought I might be planning my grand escape. “I’ve been patient, and have remained locked in the castle for over a month, Ryder. I just want to stand here, with you.”

  “With me?” he asked carefully.

  “Is that so crazy?”

  “I could strip you bare, and take you in the water,” he replied hoarsely. His eyes shone with lust as they raked over my body hungrily.

  “You could…but you’d have to let your guard down to do it,” I said, already knowing he’d never drop his guard, not when we were exposed and in the open. I didn’t blame him, not with our children’s lives on the line.

  He held his hand out and the moment I placed my hand in it, he sifted us home. Zahruk, Asrian, and Dristan entered the small space as seconds ticked by, and I knew without having to ask that they too had been out searching for me.

  “You’re an asshole,” I whispered and pulled away.

  I moved away from him as he released his hold. Eliran was there, waiting for me with the stupid machines. I didn’t need instructions. I’d had to do this a million times. I climbed up on the table, uncaring of the others that were in the room as I lifted my dress to give everyone an eyeful of my stomach and silk panties. Asrian pushed his coppery hair out of the way to disguise the nonchalant peek he was trying to get of me.

  “Cover her,” Ryder snapped at Eliran. His eyes bored into mine.

  “No,” I said as I felt like a piece of meat. I wasn’t embarrassed over them seeing my panties. I mean come on; they covered more than a lot of swimsuits I’d seen at the Guild.

  I felt my panties growing as Ryder glamoured on a set of boy-cut panties. The men had given us their backs, and poor Eliran stood still, unsure of what he should do. Eventually, he moved into action, placing the gel in a heaping blob on my stomach, and then using the Doppler to search out the heartbeats.

  I waited, and waited…and then panic set in. “Eliran?” I asked through trembling lips.

  “I don’t know,” I he said as he continued to search for them.

  I turned and looked at the screen, straining to see what was wrong. I could see them moving, but the usual loud sound of their hearts was silent. I felt an array of emotions, one being guilt that I’d fought the Mages, and used magic. Had I hurt them? Had I done something wrong?

  “Eliran,” Ryder said barely audible and I realized he like me, was holding his breath trying not to freak the Fairy fuck out!

  “I can see them moving, but it’s almost like they are blocking us,” he said.

  “How’s that possible?” Ryder asked.

  “Ryder, as of right now you’re looking at twins. I have no answer for why anything is happening with these two. But they seem to be blocking us, or doing something to prevent us from seeing them completely. Here, let me try something,” he said as he poked one side of my stomach, and held the Doppler on the other.

  “Are they okay?” I asked as I stared at the machine’s image, which looked more like aliens than babies. Eliran pointed to something on the screen, and Ryder smiled and my breath caught in my throat.

  “Sons,” Ryder said breathlessly. “We’re having boys.”

  “But—” I paused. His eyes looked down at me, and for the briefest moment, I caught regret i
n his eyes.

  “There’s no but, Synthia. You’re going to give me sons, just as Ristan has foreseen. I claimed you from your father, the Blood King. I had hoped for a daughter, but sons are a great start for our family. We will try again when you are willing for daughters.”

  I closed my eyes and rested my head against the soft pillow, and smiled. Sons…We were having boys.

  Chapter Six

  I didn’t want to fight with Ryder anymore today. We were at odds, but I was willing to keep trying and he’d seemed a little happier after learning that we would be having boys and they still looked healthy and safe. I’d waited up for him, knowing he would be busy with checking the wards and what not, but I still needed to talk to him and really explain my side of things.

  I’d dressed in a silk nightgown that was a soft color of blue. Was I hopeful that he’d come in? Yes. I’d expended a lot of energy using magic today; I also needed him to say everything was okay between the two of us. I had just finished dressing and preparing for bed when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I held my breath, hoping it would be him.

  I didn’t have long to wait until he slammed the door to the room open and strolled in with a sinfully delicious look in his very black eyes. He smiled wickedly at me as he prowled closer, his eyes filled with lust as his lips twisted into a seductive grin. He was ominous, and with his entry, he’d managed to catch me off guard.

  “Ryder,” I whispered, wondering if he was still upset from discovering what I was. But he seemed to have dropped it, like he didn’t want to talk about it for now.

  “I want you,” he said crisply, his bottom lip was sucked between his teeth as he continued to slowly stalk me. I got off the bed on the other side and slowly stepped backwards. “If you run, I will find you. I’ll always find you, Synthia. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise.”

  “Ryder…” Ryder what? He was scaring me, and I hated that he could do it. I hated any weakness for him.

  He released his lip from between his teeth and the door to the room slammed shut, making me jump as my back hit the wall. “I was informed today, by a Demon; that my little pet hasn’t been happy in my rather soft, but gentle fucking of her succulent body. I’m about to change that.”

  “He…did what!?” I was pissed that Ristan would tell him about our private talks, because they were private! I was going to murder him!

  “Ristan mentioned to me that you felt neglected, and missed me being myself with you—in the bedroom. I plan to remedy it, with these,” he held up two delicate necklaces with a small matching medallions dangling from them. “They are dream medallions. As you know, I can reach you in the dream realm anytime I wish. Ristan gave me these yesterday, and he said that you will be able to feed if you are wearing the medallion while we are playing in the dream realm and you certainly won’t feel like I am being too gentle with you. I promise to make it hurt, so that you’ll be reminded tomorrow of who owned this sweet body all night long.” He draped it around my neck and slid the other around his own.

  I glared at him. “Sex isn’t the problem. I know you love making me your pretty freaky little sex slave.” I looked down at the golden medallion’s dainty imprint of Caer Ibormeith, the Celtic Goddess of dreams on one side, and a beautiful swan on the other.

  “Is that what you are? Because I thought you were my dirty little plaything. One who screams my name so loudly while I’m driving my cock into you, that the Humans can hear us going at it in their own realm.”

  “Ryder,” I whispered, and gave in to the need for his body. He was already stripping from his clothes; his body was my paradise. My escape from reality…

  He was my beast.

  I liked that he used his hands to undress instead of glamour. It was sexier, and with each angry jerk of his hand, I became more aroused and he knew it. “Fairy, unless you want me to clobber you over the head and ride you this very second, I’d start this magic carpet ride,” I whispered huskily as he continued to undress.

  I had a huge weakness, and it was this man, naked. He was right; one minute I was Synthia, and the next I was his dirty little plaything. One who would do anything he said just to feel him inside of me. His smile was lopsided, but still devious as he stripped himself naked before my eyes.

  I started to remove my nightgown, but hesitated as that damn insecurity came rushing back. It wasn’t until I turned away from him and his hands caressed my swollen tummy that I let out the breath I’d been holding.

  “You’re beautiful, even more so with my babes growing inside of you, Pet. No woman has ever looked more beautiful to me than you do right now. You’re going to give me brave, strong sons.”

  I felt a tear slip from my eye as I turned to face him. “I’m the size of a freaking house,” I said through the tightness which had formed in my throat.

  “You’re carrying twins, my twins, and I like this bump. I like the sight of you carrying my children in this beautiful body,” he whispered huskily as he placed both of his palms on my swollen midsection, just in time for the babes to kick him. “They can feel me,” he replied with sincerity. “I already feel them linking us together. We’re a family, and nothing and nobody will change that.”

  Tears fell openly as his words vibrated against the soft column of my neck. His hands lifted the nightgown over my head and I stood in front of him, bared. Only a skimpy pair of silk undies remained.

  He pushed me towards the bed and we both crawled in. His arms wrapped around me protectively and held me as his hot breath fanned against my cheek. “I hope you are up for what I’ve planned to do to you. I’ve craved so many dirty things, and the desire to do them to you has been overwhelming, but I was afraid of hurting you or the babes with my needs. I’m not going to be gentle.” His voice was raspy, which sent a new wave of desire flooding through my body with a wave of heat that made me moan at the promise of sex that dripped from his tone. “I can fuck you gently right now, but I don’t want it to be gentle any more than you want it to be, I want to pound inside this pretty flesh like a crazed beast, and I want you to beg me for mercy. I want you to know and feel the fine line between pleasure and pain, and scream from how much you enjoy it. I want these walls you’ve erected to crumble, and to watch as you unravel with my touch.”

  “Is that so?” I asked as I reached behind my ass, which was currently where his erection was positioned.

  “It’s exactly so, just as I told you. I want to have you in the worst way, and make it last forever,” he growled as he turned me over and looked down at me. I moaned as his hand lifted up my breast to his mouth to suckle on my tender nipple, and felt my arousal take root deep inside as his words filtered through me. His eyes glittered with a mixture of obsidian and gold. Flecks of his beast shone brightly from within them. “I’m going to make you scream and beg for mercy, but I’ll have none. Not for tonight. Tonight you are going to beg me for every release I give you.”

  “You sure you can handle it?” I was taunting him, because yes, I wanted both him and his beast tonight.

  “I guess you’ll have to wait and see, now won’t you? Now close your eyes. We have to be asleep for this to work,” he growled, the sound coming from deep in his chest.

  I fell asleep rather quickly and knew he must have cast the same sleeping spell he’d used on me once before, only this time I didn’t mind it at all. I smiled as my lids grew heavy, and I accepted his darkness, welcoming the whisper of promises as he growled them against my ear while sleep claimed me.

  I woke into the dream realm wearing black stockings and a matching lace garter. He’d dreamt me into the dream world basically naked. He’d left my most vulnerable areas exposed for whatever seductive torture he had planned. My hands flew to my flattened stomach with an overabundance of panic, but then Ryder was there.

  “It’s a dream, only a dream,” he assured me as he melted back
into the shadows, leaving only his golden eyes visible to me. “Lie on the bed, and spread your legs apart for me,” he ordered.

  I rubbed my hands over the flatness again and lifted my eyes to where he was standing in the shadows. “Why are you in the dark?” I whispered the question as I took in the room. There was a large bed, with a thick metal frame, but no chains as I’d grown accustomed to with Ryder. The only bedding was a few thin, scarlet red sheets. For once not a single pillow could be seen, and what little light the room held came from a single candle which burned dimly at the far end of the room.

  “I said lie down—or do you wish for me to punish you?” he growled deeply.

  “As you wish,” I said with a bemused smirk as I headed to the bed and lay on my back in the middle of it.

  “Spread your legs; show me what belongs to me,” he continued as he stepped a little closer, still remaining hidden in the dark shadows of the room. I did as he asked, already feeling the growing heat which started in my limbs and traveled to my pussy. “Have you touched yourself today?” he asked.

  “No,” I whispered through lust that was making my tongue heavier than normal.

  “Good girl,” he replied. “Now do it and let me watch you,” he continued.

  I enjoyed the hiss that left his lips as I allowed my legs to drop open for his eyes alone, and slowly, seductively trailed my fingers over my hardened nipples and down my taut belly, until my fingers found my clit and worked it in a circular pattern.

  My cheeks heated as I felt his eyes on me there. Even after all of this time, it always felt like it was our first time together.

  “Finger that sweet flesh, and get it wet so I can clean up the mess you make,” he ordered, and I obliged. I moaned as my fingers found the entrance already wet for him, and pushed one deep inside. “More, put another one in and imagine it’s my cock, fucking your sweet flesh,” he continued as he moved closer. I gasped; the beast took over as he strode out of the shadows, wings and all. He was ethereal; his beauty was dangerous and deadly. The air sizzled and popped with his immense power as he continued to grow while I watched his transformation.